Vision Associates Inc.

258 посещений

2865 N Reynolds Road STE 170 Toledo Ohio, Toledo, OH 43615, США

телефон: 419-578-2020
время работы:

понедельник : 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

вторник - пятница : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Допустимые способы оплаты: Не имеется.



  • Оптик
  • Уход за глазами
  • Центр Уход за глазами
  • LASIK хирург
  • Офтальмолог
  • Детская Офтальмолог
Имя владельца: Не имеется.


Comprehensive Eye Exams


Periodic eye exams are an important step toward preventing and detecting eye disease in the early stages. Annual or bi-annual eye exams are often called routine eye exams. Whether an exam is routine or not is frequently a distinction for insurance coverage rather than a medical issue. Vision Associates’ yearly exams are comprehensive eye exams and all of our patients are treated the same, regardless of their insurance.
Periodic eye exams are an important step toward preventing and detecting eye disease in the early stages. Annual or bi-annual eye exams are often called routine eye exams. Whether an exam is routine or not is frequently a distinction for insurance coverage rather than a medical issue. Vision Associates’ yearly exams are comprehensive eye exams and all of our patients are treated the same, regardless of their insurance.Periodic eye exams are an important step toward preventing and detecting eye disease in the early stages. Annual or bi-annual eye exams are often called routine eye exams. Whether an exam is routine or not is frequently a distinction for insurance coverage rather than a medical issue. Vision Associates’ yearly exams are comprehensive eye exams and all of our patients are treated the same, regardless of their insurance.
Areas we serve: Toledo, Bowling Green and Defiance.

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